TURCÓN - Ecologistas en acción

Trekking in Gran Canaria

Trekking in Gran Canaria

Key words: Trekking in Gran Canaria, Trekking Guide, Cultural Visit, Navigation with GPS, Natural Spaces, Canary willows, Public Transport in Gran Canaria, slow trekking

Discovering Gran Canaria: searching for the Canarian willow tree is an invitation to go out and discover the natural and cultural values of this Island. It is a free-guide which contains 30 walking itineraries, with detailed explanations of everything you can find along the way. It is, in addition, a book that promotes the use the collective transport, with routes designed to go and return on public transport. This book displays the novelty of the guide though using GPS which allows the readers to have a tool in the mountain to follow the itineraries through the use of satellites. It complements the explanatory texts included in a card format, and the reader could only take the itinerary of the day in his backpack, without having to take the whole publication.

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