Discovering Gran Canaria

Discovering Gran Canaria: in search for the canarian willow
Third edition, revised and with Appendix in English.
The Island of Gran Canaria, covering 1,532 km2 and home to some 800,000 inhabitants, was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 2005. It jealously guards hidden areas of unspoilt nature with every colour of the rainbow on display. There are wide open spaces of light and silence where the mind and the eye recall the illusion of permanence, where feelings of freedom are remembered and the soul overflows with joy on reaching the peak of a mountain.
This book is an invitation to find nature, to know the natural and cultural values of the island. It is a guide-book that describes 30 routes to be enjoyed on foot, with detailed explanations of everything that you can see during the walk. It also promotes the use of public transport since the routes are all planned to start and end on public bus routes.
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